TensarTech® NaturalGreen™-skråningssystemet
- A completely natural, vegetated steep slope system
- Creates stable, steepened slopes up to 45° batter
- Rapid and economic construction
- A straightforward earthworks operation requiring no specialist skills or equipment
- A wide range of embankment fill materials can be used; cohesive soils, recycled materials and site-won fill.
When there is insufficient space for a naturally stable slope an embankment footprint can be reduced by steepening the batter or switching to a retaining wall. Where an attractive, completely natural look is preferred, or in environmentally sensitive areas, TensarTech NaturalGreen is a versatile solution for steepened slope face angles up to 45˚. The system easily lends itself to the repair of slip failures, in addition to the formation of new steep slopes, and construction costs are considerably lower than retaining wall options.
Stability of the steep slope is provided by the inclusion of horizontal layers of Tensar uniaxial geogrid reinforcement at specific vertical spacing within the embankment fill. In most instances an erosion protection mat is included on the slope face to aid the establishment of appropriate vegetation and protect from heavy rainfall. Construction of TensarTech NaturalGreen is essentially an earthworks operation with no specialist skills or equipment needed. The embankment can be overfilled and compacted, then trimmed to finished batter as normal.