Tecuci Ring Road
Tensar’s TensarTech® Stratum™ Cellular Foundation Mattress System enabled fast construction of a road embankment on weak ground and mitigated long-term settlement of the road.
- Mitigating settlement on weak, saturated ground
- Providing a safe working platform
- Accelerating construction to meet programme deadlines
Main contractor Eurocogen Filiala Aninoasa needed a way of building the final section of the Tecuci Ring Road over an area of marshland. The solution needed to enable fast construction of the road embankment over the weak, saturated soils, with minimal settlement, and also had to ensure the road’s long term performance.
Tensar’s TensarTech Stratum Cellular Foundation Mattress System created a 1m thick stiff foundation for the new road embankment. This reduced both short term and long term settlement and lateral spread and increased the ground’s bearing capacity, enabling construction to be carried out quickly and safely.